In the vibrant landscapes of central-southern South America, a truly captivating creature, the plush-crested jay (Cyanocorax chrysops), gracefully graces the skies. This medium-sized bird boasts a striking combination of colors, with its underparts, chin, throat, neck sides, and breast adorned in bold black. The rest of its underparts, ranging from creamy-white to pale yellowish, create a mesmerizing contrast against the dark hues. However, what truly sets this avian beauty apart is its distinct facial features, reminiscent of a well-defined goatee.

Sporting bright blue eyeliner that encircles its alluring yellow eyes and carefully crafted stylized sideburns, the plush-crested jay exudes an aura of elegance and charm. Its forehead, crown, and sides of the head don a deep black hue, adorned with a luminous ultramarine crescent above the eyes. The captivating symphony of colors continues with another similar colored spot below the eye, which seamlessly merges into a cyan-blue malar stripe forming a V-shape. The nape of this fascinating creature starts with a pale ultramarine shade, smoothly transitioning to pure ultramarine further down the neck. Completing its distinctive appearance, the plush-crested jay’s bill is black, its eyes are a vibrant shade of yellow, while its legs and feet confidently stride in noir.

As these magnificent jays take flight, one can’t help but marvel at their presence in the diverse habitats they call home. From lowland evergreen forests and tropical deciduous forests to temperate rainforests, the plush-crested jay frequents a range of forested areas. They can be observed up to an elevation of 1500 meters, and occasionally even venture as high as 2800 meters in Bolivia.

Feasting primarily on small invertebrates, with insects being their preferred choice, these jays also relish in the occasional fruit treat from various plant species. Ficus, Phylodendrum, Casearia, Syagros, Psidium, and Rapanea fruits all delight their palates. Additionally, when the opportunity arises, they won’t hesitate to savor nestlings and eggs of other bird species, frogs, seeds, and maize.

When it comes to family life, the plush-crested jays demonstrate a sense of cooperation and support. During the breeding season, the young birds from the previous year actively participate in nesting duties and territory defense. They work together, forming a close-knit family structure. Their nest, a meticulously crafted cup-shaped abode, is constructed from twigs and lined with smaller twigs and plant fibers. Positioned about 4 to 7 meters above ground, hidden within thick foliage, it provides a safe haven for the next generation. Inside this nest, the female lays 2 to 4 speckled eggs, which are incubated for a period of 18-20 days. Throughout this time, the devoted male provides nourishment to his mate, ensuring the survival of their offspring. Finally, after 22-24 days, the chicks take flight, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

Despite the enchanting allure of the plush-crested jay, this majestic species faces threats from deforestation. However, there is hope, as they have demonstrated the ability to thrive in isolated forest patches of 10-20 hectares, granting them a chance at survival if larger forests remain within reasonable distance.

In conclusion, the plush-crested jay is a breathtaking marvel of nature, adorned in yellow and black with a distinctive goatee-like facial pattern. From its striking appearance to its cooperative family dynamics, this bird captures the hearts of all who are fortunate enough to witness its beauty. As we strive to protect the diverse ecosystems it calls home, may this magnificent creature continue to enchant and inspire future generations.